Category Archives: Prophets

Ptahotep -/- Nichiren


Because nobody embodies perfection
Craftsmanship invites innovation

Loving energies envitalise being
Ensuring open channels

Our most wonderful offspring
Obey parental edicts

World measures best conduct
With rulers unbending


Introducing violence into society
Attracts fatal blows

Governmental disfavours rise swiftly
Like attacking crocodiles

Before slanderweeds take root
Ruthlessly dispel rumours


Despite injustices abounding abundantly
Stresstimes dissipate always

Eyelashes, close, yet invisible
Resemble internal divinity

Better mastering one’s thoughts –
Beware enslaving mentality

Life’s infinitely priceless days
Outvalue uncountable treasuries


Prosperity’s elation, declination’s morbidity –
Worthy person’s nightmares

Creating order’d, tranquil community
Ensures personal security

Suffering suffering, enjoying enjoyment
Life’s unchallengeable remit

Socrates -/- Muhammad


Knowing you know nothing
Life’s true knowledge

Beware most lonely barrenness
Enclosing busy lives

Without enjoying bodily strength
Fools age shamefully

Smallest acts of courage
Deem courageous, nevertheless


Education’s better kindling flames
Before filling vessels

Strong minds discuss ideas,
Weak minds, people

From conversation springs wisdom
Avoid lengthy monologues


Divinity examines hearts, deeds,
Ignoring ephemeral possessions

As kindness enters something
Its essence beautified

Only perfect piety, posipraxis,
Defines human superiority

When entity disturbs heartpeace
Relinquish its control


Courteously, upon fathers’ deaths,
Befriend their friends

Visit invalids, feed hunger,
Release unjust captives

Wherever we’ll observe wealth
Investigate invisible impoverishment

Confucius -/- Krishna


Minds praising unwayward virtuousness
Humanity’s concordances obey

Embrace sincerity, principalise faithfulness
Dismiss depraved thought

Extravagantial desires inspire insurbordination
Caution seldom errs

Where wisdom disavows perplexity
Virtue reneges anxiety


Unwish’d for by oneself
Never render elsewhere

Because unpleasant faults possess’d
Accept abandonment stoically

Desperados seeking constant advantages
Deserve constant scorn


Beyond delusion’s turbid quicksand
Renunciates glide effortlessly

Heaven’s billion shining suns
Mirrors Self’s brilliance

Despite reality being indestructable
Illusions easily shatter

As people spurn burning
Evil avoids enlightenment


Minds freed from torment
Find best decisions

Vanishing fears, shattering passions;
Enstasy smashes aversion

Like tortoiseshells armouring limbs
Contrashield sinful thinking

Mahavira -/- Guru Nanak


Righteously renunciating passionate attatchments
Transcends mundane animation

Echoing ditches protecting townships
Nonattachment controls sensation

Desiring passion’s satisfying stormzone
Practicing asceticism irrealizable

Whenever soul shackl’d internally
External renunciation meaningless


Heated gold remains gold
Enlightenedness always enlightened

Whether pleasur’d, whether pain’d,
Pure consciousness equanimous

Like oceans sheltering fish
Truthfulness safeguards virtues

Guru Nanak

Striving for religious tolerance
Fashions universal Humanhood

Our bodies are fields
Our minds, ploughmen

Universal deity ignores dogma
While devoiding doctrine

As invisible flower’s fragrance
So are souls


Eternal meditation’s transcendental flight
Disciplines, purifies, tranquilitizes

Meditation’s simple equanaminous devotion
Allows nobody’s monopoly

Principlising spiritual, suprapersonal heights
Humanity penetrates Divinity

Jesus -/- Kabir


Receiving brings happiness, yes,
But giving moreso

As knocks are answer’d
Our searchings discover

Because worrying adds nothing
Contentment’s incredibleness everything

Only looking elsewhere lustfully
Commits adultery… still


Acolytes celebrating Omniscient Divinity
Refuse money’s worship

As Jesus loves you
Love one another

Believers trusting unbeatable Divinity
Possess untroubl’d hearts


Our minds are knots
Untying never easy

When vicewaves swamp mentalities
Bearhug virtuous mindrocks

When Divine vessels dock
Board them immediately

Our soulswans soar heavenwards
From corporeal lakes


Greater kings above Ravana
Vanish’d within eyeblinks

Cretins setting houses alight
Lock themselves inside

Waters draining into rivers
These rivers absorb

Vedas -/- Buddha


Indivisible lives, interdependent existences
Humanity’s cardiovascular reverberation

When entering realization’s ecstasy
Every bondage dissappears

Following fear, decay, death:
Infinite peace attainable

Highest Self’s endless bliss,
Unconditioned limitless consciousness


Yesterday’s dream, tomorrow’s vision,
Today? Live well!

Happier memories, promising futures,
Good days deliver

Enoy today’s lifebreathing brevity
Delivering existence’s myriadity


Dismiss single sacred languages
Chastise inflexible dogmas

Fasting during practicing austerities
Weakens ascetical insight

Realizing Nirvana’s supreme benefit
Releases hankering cravings

Sun, stars, moon, truth;
Never hidden remain


Lonely musings, tranquil meditations,
Purify flurrying worries

Because thinking shapes personality
Maintain pure thought

Altho’ change cometh inevitably
Personality directs transformations

Solomon -/- Lao Tzu


Foolishness accompanies discernment’s destitution
Understanding facilitates uprighteousness

Never boast about tomorrow
Before passes today

Collectedly overlooking transgressions discretefully
Humanity’s glorious perfection

Better eating peaceful morsels
Before strifeful feasts


Fittest words golden apples
Set in silver

Like fires without logwood
Strife without talebearers

Lips eternizing truth destroy
Lying tongues’ momentariness

Lao Tzu

From nothing comes something
From something, creatures

Without looking thro’ windows
Heaven’s visibility remains

If ignorance feigns knowledge
Ireddemable difficulties launch

As water benefits humanity
Ability influences affairs


Striving to achieve nothing
Revealeth The Way

The Way nourishes everything
As rivulets, rivers

Tho’ easy The Way
People paths prefer